
House Sparrow

Conservation status

Least Concern

Population Trend


Alternate Names


Native Habitat



Grains, Insects


House Sparrow

Passer domesticus

The House Sparrow occurs naturally in most of Europe, the Mediterranean region, and much of Asia. It has also been intentionally or accidentally introduced to many parts of the world, making it the most widely distributed wild bird. It is strongly associated with human habitations, but it is not the only sparrow species found near houses. It is a small bird, with feathers mostly different shades of brown and grey.

This 14 to 16 cm long bird is abundant in temperate climates, but not universally common, and is scarce in many hilly districts. In cities, towns and villages, even around isolated farms, it can be the most abundant bird.

The male House Sparrow has a grey crown, cheeks and underparts, black on the throat, upper breast and between the bill and eyes. The bill in summer is blue-black, and the legs are brown. In winter the plumage is dulled by pale edgings, and the bill is yellowish brown. The female has no black on head or throat, nor a grey crown; her upperparts are streaked with brown. The juveniles are deeper brown, and the white is replaced by buff; the beak is dull yellow.

The House Sparrow is often confused with the smaller and more slender Tree Sparrow, which, however, has a chestnut and not grey crown, two distinct wing bars, and a black patch on each cheek.

Regional Names
  • Assamese:
  • Bengali:
    চড়ুই, পাতি চড়ুই
  • Bhojpuri:
  • French:
    Moineau domestique
  • Gujarati:
    ઘર ચકલી
  • Hindi:
    चिड़िया, घरेलू गौरैया
  • Kannada:
  • Malayalam:
  • Marathi:
    चिमणा (नर), चिमणी (मादी)
  • Nepali:
    घर भँगेरा
  • Oriya:
  • Punjabi:
    ਘਰੇਲੂ ਚਿੜੀ
  • Sanskrit:
    चटक, वार्तिका, गृहकुलिङ्ग
  • Tamil:
    சிட்டுக் குருவி
  • Telugu:
    ఇంటి పిచ్చుక
Media Gallery

Passer domesticus

Quick Facts
  • It is a state bird of Delhi and Bihar.
  • These frequently bath in dust. It throws dust and soil over its feathers as if it baths in water.
  • Although Sparrows do not belong to the group of water birds, they can swim very fast to escape from the predators.